366/366 Fin

Although I was not expecting to sprint over the 366-finish line, I must admit I feel more like I am limping.

But here is the last and 366th/366th photo for 2016.

It is also the last post for Move the Chair.

This all started with a gentle suggestion and nudge from an art coach in 2012 to move beyond Facebook postings of my photographs and to start a blog showing my work. Since then over 1,000 posts have been added along with hundreds of photographs.

In the beginning, it was frightening. What if nobody came? Or worse what if nobody found anything worth looking at? But then I realized the amazing gift I had been given by that suggestion: a giant canvas on which I could throw anything and everything to see what worked–for me–and what did not. If others wanted to come along for the ride, then that was icing.

I write for a living, but I have to say that words do not even begin to express the amazing things I have learned, the fantastic art and writing I have encountered, and the even more amazing souls I have met who have offered their support, their suggestions, and their enthusiasm.

And so here we are.

Thank you all so much for inviting me into your screens, particularly this year with the 366 Project.  And for you, here is a parting bloom in appreciation combining a few of my favorite elements: tulips, negative space, a polaroid, and a Dickinson poem excerpt. For those of you interested in seeing where I go next, check out Instagram under #littledogslaughed. My other blog Little Dogs Laughed, to which many of you also have supported will still be chugging along for a bit longer.

Best wishes to all of you near and far to an abundant and creative 2017-and thank you-It has been a real pleasure.

All best,


Image taken with iPhone 7 and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables and Formulas

For today: Fin





365/366 Pears in Shadow

Some late morning sun and some pears are today’s offering-

Image taken with iPhone 7 and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables and Formulas-

For today: Pears in Shadow

Pears in Shadow

Pears in Shadow


364/366 Silent Night

It has been too warm here for fires, but I will settle for the twinkling of the lights on the mantle.

Image taken with Hipstamatic using the Chan lens and Panaji Film and processed with iColorama, Snapseed and Polamatic using the 600 presets-

For today: Silent Night

Silent Night

Silent Night

363/366 Mirrored

Another Hipstamatic experiment with a neighbor’s mirror-

Image taken with Hipstamatic using the Basel Pak and processed with iColorama and Formulas

For today: Mirrored





362/366 Holidaze

And here we are the day after, at the lunch counter at Dish-

Words courtesy of Robert Hunter’s poem “Boxing Day”

Image taken with Hipstamatic using the Chan filter and Panaji film and processed with Polamatic using SFX presets

For today: Holidaze





361/366 Hipsta Dogs

A little Hipsta magic with Steve and Bacon, neighbor dogs-

Image taken with Hipstamatic using the Basel Pak and processed with iColorama-

For today” Hipsta Dogs

Hipsta Steve and Bacon

Hipsta Steve and Bacon


360/366 Christmas Magic

To all who celebrate-a most Merry Christmas!

Image taken with iPhone 7 and processed with Snapseed and Polamatic

For today: Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic

Christmas Magic


359/366 Lantern Lights

Some small Christmas lanterns setting the mood for today-and I realized that somewhere along the line in the last week, I goofed up my numbering-

Image taken with iPhone 7 and processed with Snapseed, iColorama and Stackables

For today: Lantern Lights

Lantern Lights

Lantern Lights




356/366 Window

An experiment using Hipstamatic with a neighbor’s window and light catcher-

Image taken with Hipstamatic using the Basel Pak and processed with iColorama and Pic-Tap-Go

For today: Window




355/366 Repurposed

I found this great piece of yard art next door. A cup, a plate and two wine bottles. Brilliant!

Image taken and processed with Polamatic and iColorama

For today: Repurposed







Letters from Athens

A blog about Greece, art, and life in general

Lens and Pens by Sally

a weekly blog that creates a personal philosophy through photographs and words


Life beyond borders

By Alanna Pass

An Artist Who Writes