B & W Challenge – Day 2

I consider myself fortunate to have my backyard. I always find something to photograph–even several times over as some of you have seen. Every corner and cranny has something to offer and the seasons change enough here for even more variety and texture. Today’s image was taken in the far corner of the yard-an area noted as Hubbleland, as it truly seems to be his favorite corner of the yard.

At first glance, it does not look like much, but there is a small tree and there will be crocus soon. There is also the remnants of the original brick wall which was built at the same time as the house in 1927. Assorted birds and squirrels also like to roam back there (though not at the same time with Hubble). The kitten statuary was laid in honor of the Great Greta, a calico that ruled a good friend’s roost for many years and who helped maintain order in her house over two unruly kittens, Augustus and Bertram, and the wily Panther, dog of the streets (and Jack Henry’s mentor).

As part of the challenge, I get to nominate another photographer to participate. So today, I would like to ask Lisa at Northwest Frame of Mindย if she would like to participate. If so, just post a black and white photograph for the next five days and also nominate another photographer to the challenge. And again, no pressure to participate. This is supposed to be fun.

Image taken with iPhone 5s and processed with Snapseed, Perfect BW, Pic-Tap-Go and Focal Lab-

For today: Lost World

Lost World

Lost World


11 thoughts on “B & W Challenge – Day 2

  1. Pingback: B&W Challenge – Day 3 of 5 | Beyond Purgatory

  2. Pingback: B&W Challenge – Day 4 of 5 | Beyond Purgatory

  3. You’ve found the perfect title for this lovely photo and story, Meg. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for the nomination, I’ve been wanting to spend more time with black and white so I appreciate the motivation to try a few new things! I’ll start sharing in a few days. ๐Ÿ™‚

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