185/366 I Am Your Beloved

I do not have a clue about explaining the title-it popped into my head and anymore, I just run with this stuff-

Image taken with Hipstamatic using Chan Lens and Runway film, and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables, and Pic-Tap-Go

For today: I Am Your Beloved

I Am Your Beloved

I Am Your Beloved


10 thoughts on “185/366 I Am Your Beloved

  1. “….Thus, in her flower paintings, O’Keeffe simultaneously exploited long-standing gender associations with flowers and recast the genre to present herself as an uninhibited ‘modern’ woman and vanguard artist.”
    –Randall Griffin–

    I finally remembered who your recent work reminds me of. I saw an O’keefe Exhibit at LA many many years ago…it was astounding. I recommend that everyone go if to one if they can. Until then we should just keep following you, Meg. ~~dru~~

    • I am humbled by your comment dru-thank you so very much. O’Keefe is one of my favorite artists and I know a very powerful influence for me-I so appreciate your comment more than you know-Thank you so much for taking a look!

  2. Wow, that’s outstanding! And my first thought was that reminds me of Georgia O’Keefe! BTW, you’re over halfway to 366 now!

    • Thank you Bill so much! It is so interesting in reading people’s comments what draws them to the image. And yes, I realized the other day that I am halfway through-unbelievable. This is not the first year I have done a 365 project, but this one has been the most demanding and challenging I think-Appreciate your visits always!

    • Thank you Sally so much-This year has been challenging for this project, but there is definitely something to be said for doing it in terms of breaking through walls and experimenting. Lately, I have been looking through a book about roses that belonged to my mother. And I was taken with the amazing and wonderful names that have been given to roses. There is a deep red hybrid tea called “Beloved.” I suspect that might have planted the seed, so to speak.

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