194/366 Words on Pages

Am starting again on what has been an on-and-off task of cleaning out the bookcases. Right now, I am tackling the shelves filled with architectural history as I am not doing much survey work anymore. I thought a couple of these might make for an interesting still life. The image is a little darker than I would have liked, but I wanted the words to show.

Image taken with iPhone 5s and processed with Snapseed, iColorama, Stackables and Pic-Tap-Go

For today: Words on Pages

Words on Pages

Words on Pages

16 thoughts on “194/366 Words on Pages

  1. Ah! I went through my bookshelves clearing out to put still life stuff on the shelves for future photo projects. Those books are being weeded out as to what to keep and what to donate to the library. They have a history of where I had been years ago. I like the way you have the books separated and standing alone. Interesting. I wouldn’t have thought of that. I really like the edit and the script overlay (I happen to like script overlay on an image). 🙂

    • Thanks Anna Louise-This is I think about the third or fourth purge I have done. Some decisions are pretty simple, but others-like you mentioned speak to a time and place, so sometimes those are a little harder to part with. But the art books are all staying! Thank you so much for visiting 🙂

  2. An interesting image Meg and a great way to record the things that had meaning for you and may not anymore. The spacing between each makes them seem that much more important and I too think the script overlay works really well here.

  3. Ah yes, the dilemma of the overflowing bookcases! When I bought my house a couple of years ago, I had an entire wall of bookcases installed just to house my Library of America books (now approaching 300 volumes). But I digress…
    I love this image. The darkness, the sepia tone, the script overlay, all emphasize the agedness (is there such a word?) of the books — I can almost smell their mustiness, feel their brittle covers. Great work!

    • Oh my gosh-that alone would be worth a picture or two or three 😉 These weeding out has been a bit emotional as it hit me that the architectural surveying part of my life is drawing to a close. And even though it was a love-hate relationship a good deal of the time-I can point to many of the books and remember the buildings I was documenting. So it has been a bit bittersweet indeed-Thanks Bill so much!

  4. It’s always difficult sorting through bookshelves as I really don’t like disposing of books. For me, they are jewels of knowledge and interests. But, sometimes we need to do that. Yes, I too like the antiquey look. Well done.

    • Thank you Janina-I agree-parting with books can be tough. But I promised myself that I would not bring anymore in, until some made their way to a new home. So we will see. Thanks so much for stopping by!

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